::C U R R I C U L U M   V I T A E::



Emergence - private commission, Brooklyn, NY

Ignis Aqua -Private Commission, Lido Beach, NY

Life Force - Public Art COmmission San Leandro, CA


Incanto- An Oasis of Lyrical Sculpture exhibiton at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in Richmond VA

Ignis Aqua - Private Commission, New York


Incanto - Sculpture Exhibition in development commissioned for the Lewis Ginter Botanic Garden, Richmond VA

Seed of Light - Private Commission, NYC


Ignis Aqua - Steel, light + fire sculpture, private commission, NY in development with UAP

Oculus Root Portal- commission for The Delight Factory, NYC


Dream Portal - Art With Me festival Tulum, Mexico


Axis Mundi - Public Art commission, Golden Triangle BID, Washington DC

Changing the Chairs - commissions for American Film Institute and Audi Motors,LA

Peak Oil - Sculpture commission for Electric Daisy Carnival, Las Vegas NV

Future’s Past - premiere sculpture installation Point San Pablo Harbor


Art Blast - Public Art commission - Mural Festival,  Montreal, Canada 

Arabesque - private sculpture commission, Napa Valley, CA

As Above So Below- Panorama Festival NYC - Sculpture commission 

Passage Home - Burning Man sculpture tribute to founder Larry Harvey

I, Robot- Burning Man - Man Base Art featured artwork: Future’s Past circuitry designs


Transition Portal - Nevada DOT Public Art commission, Tahoe-Reno Industrial Park, NV


Helios - Burning Man Interactive & Pyrotechnic Sculpture commissiion

Main Stage - Stage designer, Mysteryland Festival Stage in NY and Amsterdam, NL


Branch House Garden Panels - private commission, Calistoga CA

Dreamland- collaborative sculpture for Burning Man with the Flux Foundation

Future's Past - installation, Symbiosis Gathering Festival, CA


Wishing Tree - commission for Mysteryland international tour: USA, Netherlands + Chile

Mining for Light - Sculpture commission Consenses Art Exhibition, Cambridge MA


Star Seed - Burning Man Art Grant commission


Three Realms Spire & Three Realms Labyrinth, Figment Festival, NYC


Future’s Past - Burning Man Art Grant commission


Braindrop - All Points West Festival and Burning Man 


Altered State - Burning Man Art Grant sculpture Commission

Inner Space - Black Rock Arts Foundation commission 


Guardian of Eden - Burning Man Art Grant Commission


Duel Nature - Burning Man Art Grant commission

Gear Chandeliers - set design commission Rewind Concert, Angel Orensanz, NY


Stadium of the Self - Burning Man Art Grant commission


Observer/Observed - Burning Man Art Grant commission



Inner Landscapes - Savaggi Gallery , Newburgh, NY


A Feminine Intelligence - Sotheby’s, New York Burning Man exhibition and auction

Glyphs: Symbols from the Subconscious - Solo gallery show at the Delight Factory, Brooklyn NY

Glyphs - Context Art Fair, Miami - with Elizabeth Clement Contemporary


Axis Mundi - The FreeMason Scottish Rite Hall, Washington DC

Helios and Passage Home: Sculptures exhibited in BRCvr, the AltSpace virtual reality world of Burning Man during the pandemic


Star Seed - Installation at Astra Space headquarters , Alameda CA

Glyph, series - Aqua Art Fair, Miami - with Liz Clement Contemporary

Future’s Past - Point San Pablo Harbor, CA Sculpture Park - premiere sculpture


Future’s Past - No Spectators: Renwick Gallery/Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC

Gear Chandeliers - Ataraxia multimedia exhibition, NYC

Art Blast - Woodstock, NY private collector exhibition


Future's Past - Tahoe Pubic Art, Premier Exhibition on Lake Tahoe, CA


Mars Transmitter Beta - Sculpture Now Group Exhibition - The Mount , Berkshires , MA


Reflection - Solo gallery show, See Me Gallery, NYC

Future's Past - Installation art at Ghost Ship, San Francisco, CA

Rhizo Lux - Art Southampton Art Fair - NY - rep Elizabeth Clement Fine Art


Burning Man – Igniting Nevada’s Creative Fire - group exhibition Tahoe-Reno Airport

Water Vein - Scope Art Fair - Miami - rep Elizabeth Clement Fine Art

Spiral Tsunami - Art SouthHampton NY Art Fair - rep Elizabeth Clement Fine Art

Rhizo Lux - Art Basel Switzerland - rep Elizabeth Clement Fine Art

Default World Dreaming - artist & Guest Curator, group art exhibition, Gallery 151, Chelsea NYC


Gear Chandeliers - Next Gallery, group show

Spiral Tsunami and Water Vein - Fountain Art Fair, NYC

Stadium of the Self - Virgin Mobile Free Fest, Columbia, MD - featured artwork

Star Seed - Electric Daisy Carnival,  Las Vegas NV - featured artwork

Braindrop – Electric Daisy Carnival, NYC


Rhizo Lux - Scope art fair, Miami rep Elizabeth Clement Fine Art

Future’s Past - BRAF - Public Art Grant, Hayes Valley, San Francisco, CA

Astral Matrix - International Sculpture Festa, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul, S. Korea

Braindrop - Installation Virgin Mobile Free Fest, MD

Spiral Tsunami - installation Maker Faire, NYC

Angel Armor &  Relic of Futures Past – Fountain Art Fair, Miami


Gear Chandelier - Sculpture Guild group show, Broadway Gallery, NYC

Gear Chandelier - Exhibit Jonathan Burden Arts and Antiques, NYC

Spiral Tsunami - Sculpture Guild gallery show, Governors Island, NYC

Braindrop - exhibit Escape to New York Festival, NY

Braindrop - exhibit Maker Faire NYC (Editor’s Choice Award)

Braindrop – exhibit Virgin Mobile Free Fest, MD

Braindrop - exhibit Solstice Show, Gowanus Ballroom, NYC

Morph Code - Lightning in a Bottle Festival, LA


Duel Nature - public art installation, River Walk, Reno, NV


Altered State - sculpture installation CoSM Art Sanctuary, NY

Gear Chandeliers - Transmutation, New Years Eve event sculpture, NYC

Braindrop - All Points West Festival and Burning Man 


Guardian of Eden - purchased for the Nevada Museum of Art, permanent collection


Featured Artist, Desert Art Installations, The National Arts Club. NYC

Construction/Deconstruction, solo photography exhibit, Park Studio. NYC



Professional portrait, performance freelance photographer, Washington DC & NYC Industria Superstudios, David Seidner, The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Atlantic Records, The Public Theatre, Joan Marcus, Carol Rosegg, Dodger Theatricals


MTV - House of Style - New York City - production assistant


Drexel University: Bachelor of Science in Fashion Design/photography minor

Other Academia:  Corcoran School of Art, Washington DC;

International Center for Photography, NYC;  School of Visual Arts, NYC

CLIENT LIST// selected

Sotheby’s New York

Renwick Gallery/Smithsonian Museum

The Nevada Museum of Art

Burning Man, LLC

International Sculpture Festa, Seoul, South Korea

Hayes Valley Art Alliance San Francisco

Consenses Art, MA

Mural Festival, Montreal

Reno Arts and Culture Commission

AEG Live

Golden Voice

American Film Institute

Audi Motors

Astra Space, Inc

ID&T Entertainment, The Netherlands

US Conference of Mayors

The FreeMasons, Washington DC

Golden Triangle BID, Washington DC 

DC Department of Arts and Humanities



Rolling Stone // The New York Times // Washington Post //London Times// Hyperallergic// CNN.com // Atlantic Monthly Features // Time Out NY// Forbes // Artsy.com // Frommer’s Travel Guide // Spread Art+Culture magazine // Architects Newspaper // CODAworx Magazine // Matador Network // SF Gate // American Public Gardens Association //The Economic Power of Public Art -CODAworx // Richmond Times Dispatch


Access Hollywood // London Times // Smithsonian Museum // Interbrand // Intel IQ Magazine // The Huffington Post // High Life Magazine // NY VIllage Voice // Reality Sandwich // National Arts Club, NY // Reno-Gazette Journal //Burning Man



Burning Man: Art On Fire film // Current TV // Under the Electric Sky  


The Burning Book- by Rebecca Bruder (Simon & Schuster) //

Burning Man, Art on Fire, by Sidney Erthal, Scott London and Jennifer Raiser --cover artwork & featured artist- (Race Point Publishing) //

The Art of Burning Man -  by NK GUY- featured artist (Taschen)

Net of Being- by Alex Grey (Inner Traditions, 2012

Nanotecture - Tiny Built Thingsby Rebecca Roke (Phaidon, 2016)


SF MoMA // Smithsonian American Art Museum, DC // Taschen podcasts // TEDx Black Rock City // TEDx Tulum // US Conference of Mayors , DC // Interbrand // Symphony of Inspiration - Fashion Snoops, NY // CoSM -Chapel of Sacred Mirrors // The Assemblage, NYC // Desert Arts Preview - Burning Man, SF // Savaggi Gallery NY // In Conversation with Larry Harvey, Burning Man founder, The National Arts Club, NY


International Sculpture Festa - Artist Residency and featured exhibition artist, South Korea, 2012


Americans for the Arts at the US Conference of Mayors  DC - National Citizen Artist Award - 2019

World Technology Network - Nominee for the Arts, 2015

Maker Faire, NYC - Editor’s Choice Award for Braindrop, 2011

The National Arts Club, NYC - Sculpture Award for Guardian of Eden, 2008